Pride isn’t just a day, or a week, or a month, or a class, or a parade.

It’s a feeling.

It’s a mindset.

It’s an attitude.

It’s a belief.

It’s having faith that you are perfect just the way you are and that you deserve all the love this world has to offer - a life full of color! 🏳️‍🌈

We celebrate this faith in our community with a month-long celebration! To kick it off, we have a full week (!) of theme rides (52 in all) to help you get in the spirit. Our 4th annual Encircle Charity Ride will be held on Friday, 5pm at our Sugarhouse studio led by Torrent Cycle co-founders (and husbands) Dan and Mike.

The Utah Pride Parade returns this year on Sunday, 6/5 starting at 10am. Our downtown location is the perfect location to start your day with two classes - 8am and 9am (ride and then get ready for the parade in our fully stocked locker rooms). Want to ride after the parade? We’ll have a special 4pm class that’s perfect. The parade runs down 2nd South & 4th East - one block from Torrent Cycle Downtown.

Our Pride retail assortment sets on Sunday and for the first time we will offer merchandise that will directly go to benefit Encircle (including a limited edition tote bag and vinyl sticker).

Who’s ready for a party? We can’t wait to celebrate our Pride with all of you! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍


